今や日本でもアメリカでも女子の大学進学率は確実に増えていると言われている。その中には将来独立して仕事をする女性たちもたくさん含まれているのだろう。そんなプチ・スパイスたちの今後の活躍には期待を込めてエールを送りたい。 By ゆき子
Last week when I brought my daughter back to college, the Provost of her school gave a talk called “Education without expiration”.
The theme of the talk was on the importance of a liberal arts education. He spoke in particular of how a liberal arts education aims to foster skills such as ①analytical thinking, ②communication, ③the ability to build a line between one’s past, present and future experiences. He concluded with an explanation of how a liberal arts curriculum is constructed to build these fundamental skills.
The theme of the talk was on the importance of a liberal arts education. He spoke in particular of how a liberal arts education aims to foster skills such as ①analytical thinking, ②communication, ③the ability to build a line between one’s past, present and future experiences. He concluded with an explanation of how a liberal arts curriculum is constructed to build these fundamental skills.
I graduated from a liberal arts college almost thirty year ago but at that time hadn’t had a clue as to the relevance of this education. However, now that I have been working for many years, and in particularly since I began my own business, these skills that my college aimed to install in us have much relevance in what I do.
Being able to analytically and critically access a situation, the ability to then be able to communicate a response or solution, and finally being able to incorporate my past experience and future plans to come up with a present course of action are skills I use every day. And these skills need to be updated to fit the current environment.
No wonder why this is called an education without expiration.
Being able to analytically and critically access a situation, the ability to then be able to communicate a response or solution, and finally being able to incorporate my past experience and future plans to come up with a present course of action are skills I use every day. And these skills need to be updated to fit the current environment.
No wonder why this is called an education without expiration.
In both the United States and in Japan, more and more women are entering institutions of higher learning. There will no doubt be many who will go on to start their own businesses. I look forward with much anticipation to the future of these Petite-Spices.
By Yuki