
期限切れのない教育 Education Without Expiration

先週娘を大学に連れて行った際に、学部長からの話があった。テーマは“Education without expiration”、日本語に訳すと期限切れのない教育。




今や日本でもアメリカでも女子の大学進学率は確実に増えていると言われている。その中には将来独立して仕事をする女性たちもたくさん含まれているのだろう。そんなプチ・スパイスたちの今後の活躍には期待を込めてエールを送りたい。   By ゆき子

Last week when I brought my daughter back to college, the Provost of her school gave a talk called “Education without expiration”.

The theme of the talk was on the importance of a liberal arts education. He spoke in particular of how a liberal arts education aims to foster skills such as analytical thinking, communication, the ability to build a line between one’s past, present and future experiences. He concluded with an explanation of how a liberal arts curriculum is constructed to build these fundamental skills.

I graduated from a liberal arts college almost thirty year ago but at that time hadn’t had a clue as to the relevance of this education. However, now that I have been working for many years, and in particularly since I began my own business, these skills that my college aimed to install in us have much relevance in what I do.

Being able to analytically and critically access a situation, the ability to then be able to communicate a response or solution, and finally being able to incorporate my past experience and future plans to come up with a present course of action are skills I use every day. And these skills need to be updated to fit the current environment.

No wonder why this is called an education without expiration.

In both the United States and in Japan, more and more women are entering institutions of higher learning. There will no doubt be many who will go on to start their own businesses. I look forward with much anticipation to the future of these Petite-Spices.
                                                                                                             By Yuki


スーザン・コーメン・ウォーク Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure

人生の半分をアメリカで過ごした私にとって、この国の女性たちには多々インスパイアさせられることがある。その一例が先月開催された"Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure"という乳がんの治療開発のために3日間かけて60マイル歩くイベント。これは1982年に乳がんで亡くなった姉のために妹が設立した世界最大の乳がんの草の根運動である。(詳細はウェブサイトをご参照。http://www.the3day.org/

活動としても素晴らしいのだが、個人的な思いがあるのは2年ほど前に義理の妹が乳がんを克服したから。彼女がこのイベントに参加するのは3回目であるが、今回がサバイバー(がんを克服した方たちのことをいう)としては初めて。今年は彼女の娘と姪2人、友人2人、兄(=私の夫)の合計7人のチームだった。2人の義理の姉たちと彼女のもう一人の娘もchase driver という車でチームをフォローして助ける援軍で参加した。


"60 miles. I can do that."

こういう話を聞くと、女性たちが集まってひとつの目標に向かって行動するとすごいパワーが生まれるのだなぁと、改めて思う。参加できなかった私も大いにインスパイアさせられた。                                                                                                                                                            By ゆき子

Having spent half of my life in the United States, I have been inspired by many American women. One recent example is the women (& men) who participated in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure walk in Boston last month.
(Check out their website at http://www.the3day.org/)

Particularly close to my heart is my sister-in-law who beat breast cancer and has been cancer-free for more than two years. She has done this walk three times. This was her first time as a cancer surviver. She was joined this year by her daughter, two nieces, two girlfriends and older brother (=my husband). My two older sisters-in-law and another daughter participated in the event as chase drivers. 

Not only did these seven walkers raise more than $30,000 as a team (an impressive feat in of itself) but these courageous people walked for three days despite the severe heat, a sprained ankle and tons of blisters.

True to the Walk’s motto, "60 miles. I can do that", they set their goal and achieved it, overcoming physical and emotional challenges. This is commitment and perseverance at its best. The Walk in Boston raised $4.8 million in total over the three days.

After the walk, my husband told me that he felt so much positive energy arising out of this community of women. Along the way, he met and was encouraged by an eighty year old woman who was walking unassisted, a woman who had just finished chemotherapy a couple of month ago...and the list goes on. The support and encouragement people showed one another was apparently amazing.

When I hear stories like this, I feel that when groups of women get together for a common goal, they generate enormous and lasting power. Even though I was not able to participate, I feel lucky to have experienced this amazing event vicariously through them.                                        By Yuki


はじめまして Welcome

こんにちは、Spice Rackチームです!
今日からスパイスラック準備室のブログを はじめました。

Spice Rackって何?

Spice Rackはどのように生まれたの?

Spice Rackってどんなことをするの?

これからSpice Rack準備室からウェブサイトのアップデートとか、スパイスになって頂いている女性たちの情報とか、世界中の女性たちの感動するストーリーとか、そんなニュースを発信していきたいと思っています。

どうぞ宜しくお願いします!                     By ゆき子

Welcome to the Spice Rack Work Room Blog.
The Spice Rack Team will be delivering updates on the Spice Rack website, news from the women who have listed their businesses on this website, news of upcoming events and stories of inspirational women from around the world.

A little explanation about Spice Rack.
What is Spice Rack?
Spice Rack is a website that supports women-run independent businesses.

How did Spice Rack come about?
About 18 years ago, after the birth of my second child, I quit my job to start up my business.

Through twists and turns, I have balanced my family and career but always wished that I had access to more information in building my business and more contact with a community of women in similar situations. So, looking back on my own history and figuring out what would have been helpful to me back then, I have embarked on a project that will provide the infrastructure so that more women can more readily begin their own businesses.

What can Spice Rack do for you?
1. Preparation of a Spice Page (a promotional page for you and your business written by a professional editor)
2. Use of the Spice Rack shop 
3. Access to a variety of services to help you build your business
4. Invitation to community and promotional events

Only you can start your own business, but wouldn't it be great if you had the necessary information and services on one website AND you could be part of a community of women in similar situations that support one another? This is the vision upon which Spice Rack is planning to build itself.
We all  look forward to getting to know you.  By Yuki