
世界から見た日本 / Looking at Japan from Abroad

富士山 Mount Fuji


79年に大学のためにアメリカに渡る。ある時同じ寮の男の子にSONY Panasonicはアメリカ企業だろうと言われ、企業が有名になってもそれが日本と直結していないことに驚いた。その後、80代の後半大学院に通っていた頃はちょうど日本がバブルの全盛期、Japan Inc.”と呼ばれる時代で日本=資本力という印象が強かった。




text ゆき子 photo ヒロ
伊勢神宮 Ise Shrine

Having spent my elementary and junior high school years aboard, I have always been conscious of how the rest of the world views Japan. When I lived in the suburbs of New York in the late 60s, my parents purposely chose a town where there were no other Japanese families. I was quite a novelty to my school peers, though they welcomed me graciously into their world. Back then the only image of Japan was that it was a country somewhere in the Far East. It was when I lived in Hong Kong in the mid-70s, while it was still a British territory, that I began to notice Japanese companies’ rising presence in the business world.

I returned to the United States in 1979 for college. I remember having an argument with a guy in my dorm who insisted that SONY and Panasonic were American companies. This made me realize that an acknowledged brand does not equal awareness of the country of its origin. During my graduate school years in the 80s , Japan was in the midst of an unprecedented economic boom. This was when the term “Japan Inc.” was coined , and Japan's image was that of big money.

Currently I think “animation” is probably the most popular image of Japan. And then maybe its food, such as sushi and tofu, and more recently edamame. Nowadays you can purchase tofu and rolled sushi (the Americanized version) in a local supermarket and get peeled and frozen edamame in the freezer section. In that sense, Japan has ventured into everyday life.

A while back my company undertook the planning and production of a promotional video for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via another production company. The Ministry needed these videos to distribute to their Embassies and Consulates abroad. Our goal was to create a promotional video that differed from what was typically portrayed as Japan. Our staff divided the topic into four categories (clothing, food, housing and culture) and produced 9 videos, each with four 5-minute episodes.   

Topics included the mobile phone culture, high tech toilets, workmen fashion and others. Most of the staff involved in the planning and production had lived abroad so I think we were able to portray an interesting view of modern Japan.The hardest part was converting each episode into seven languages.
Even before Spice Rack, I thought that the women were one of the Japan’s biggest assets. It would be great if more people around the world knew about these women and what they do. This is the reason why I made the website into English as well. I hope that Spice Rack can play a role in conveying to the world, what I believe, is the best of Japan.

text yuki  photo hiro


Spice Rack ON THE HILL 報告 / Spice Rack ON THE HILL Report

日曜日に無事Spice Rack ON THE HILL が終了しましたお陰さまで来客200名以上の盛況なイベントでした。ご来場下さったみなさま、ご協力下さったみなさま、日頃からスパイスラックを応援して下さっているみなさまに心から御礼申し上げます



Spice Rack ON THE HILL (02.14~02.19)を写真でどうぞ。

text by ゆき子 photo by 満美

The Spice Rack ON THE HILL Exhibition ended on Sunday. We had over 200 visitors spread over 6 days. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who dropped by, who helped make this happen and who always support us.

It was quite a challenge to jointly exhibit the works of 8 Spices who are wholly original, each with her own “flavor”. However, there was a cohesiveness to the exhibition despite the uniqueness of each brand. I believe this is because there is a similarity to how the Spices approach their work. That is, they create for the enjoyment of others. This is true of the Spice who handled the design of the invitation and pamphlet.

I believe that many people were inspired by flavorful world of the Spices. This makes us very happy, since, after all, that is what Spice Rack is all about. Please look forward to the next Spice Rack event.

Check out the pictures of Spice Rack ON THE HILL (02.14~02.19)

text by yuki, photo by mami



Overall Space, no.1

Overall Space, no.2

Overall Space, no.3






Stained Glass Sakura


Yume's Cushion


メーキング・オブ・Spice Rack ON THE HILL / Making of Spice Rack ON THE HILL

さぁて、今日からSpice Rack ON THE HILLがオープン!

Today is the opening of our exhibition!
Yesterday the Spices and the staff were busy with the preparation.
Check out the making of Spice Rack ON THE HILL.

LOGO in front of the Venue

子供服のMION - キュート&オリジナル
Children's Clothes MION - Cute & Original

Yume's Cushion  - 心をこめたクッション作り
Yume's Cushion - Making Cushions with Heart

LOTA PRODUCT - 母の経験から生まれたモノたち
LOTA PRODUCT - Products Born from Motherhood

KAZUMI - 自然な草花をファブリックに
KAZUMI - Natural Flowers and Plants into Fabric

BLOOM & STRIPES - ハッピーな裏切りを
BLOOM & STRIPES - A Happy Surpise

aime - 大人っぽい可愛さ
aime - Mature & Cute

tomohiro - 友禅の美しさをプロダクトに
tomohiro - Beautiful Yuzen Products

Stained Glass Sakura - ステンドグラスの魅力を届ける
Stained Glass Sakura - The Wonderful World of Stained Glass

LOGO handmade by GT's Creative Director

gallery ON THE HILLの朝倉美佳さん
Mika Asakura, Owner of ON THE HILL


育ててくれた女性たち / The Women Who Raised Me





spice rack ON THE HILL 期間中の17日がちょうど母の80歳のお誕生日にあたり、その時に見てもらえるのはとても嬉しい。天国にいる叔母も「あなたもマミーに似てよくやるわね」とエールを送ってくれている気がする。これからもこの2人のDNAをしっかりと受け継いでいきたい。

by ゆき子

This picture has always given me courage. The young woman on the right is my mother, right before she boarded a ship to America for college. The woman to the left is her younger sister, my aunt. She too went to America for college a few years later. This is a story about these two women who raised me.

After graduating from high school, my mother went to Maine to study, with sponsorship from my grandfather’s American friend. I wonder what it felt like to study in America so soon after the war. After returning to Japan, she met and married my father, and had us. Soon after, we lived abroad for 7 years because of my father’s work. Right after returning to Japan, when my mother was 44, my father passed away suddenly. So began her life as a single parent. It was during this time that she started an apparel business with a friend, and worked as the representative in Japan for the Smithsonian Institution. To me, she is an Original Spice.

My aunt also went to America to study, then returned to Japan, got married and had children. She resided in various places around the world as a wife to a diplomat. Being both big-hearted and affable, I am told she took charge of things everywhere she lived. After living a life as a good partner to her husband, a loving mother to her daughters and a reliable daughter-in-law, she passed away 7 years ago at the age of 69. I remember the one time she worked professionally as a registrar at an international school in Tokyo. Working with students and their parents, offering solutions to their needs must have suited her talents well.

 “Your mom is an author, and I am a commentator”, is what my aunt used to say to me. I learned much from these different types of women. From the “author”, I learned the importance of becoming a pioneer, the value of being positive and believing in something larger than oneself. From the “commentator”, I learned to really listen to others, the importance of being objective and being able to accurately tell people how you feel and think. I have yet to master these skills but I think I am somewhat of a “hybrid” of the two types.

It is a lovely coincidence that my mother’s 80th birthday will fall on the week of the “spice rack ON THE HILL” exhibition. I hope she will enjoy seeing the world of the current Spices. Also, I bet my aunt in heaven is smiling to see how much I turned out like my mother. My great wish now is to carry on the DNA that they passed onto me.

by yuki