3月のある晴れの日、スパイスの今井純子さんのフラワーセレクトショップ"BLOOM & STRIPES"で、「花セラピー」というレッスンを体験してきました。
できあがったアレンジを見てみると、わたしのアレンジの中心には黄色やオレンジの花が中心になっているけれど、最初に気になって手にした花は白。花 セラピーの解説を伺ってから、心の赴くままに作り上げたアレンジメントを見てみると、まさに自分の心の状態や、「そうなりたい」という私の心をあらわして いるようで、妙に納得してしまいました。
BLOOM & STRIPESの純子さんによると、昨年の震災直後には、黄色・オレンジの花がいつも以上に売れ、そして、しばらく経って落ち着きを取り戻してきた頃から、白い花へと人気が変わっていったのだそうです。
テキスト&Photo 満美
On one sunny day in March, I took a lesson in "Flower Therapy" at Junko Imai 's flower select shop, BLOOM & STRIPES. Junko is a flower designer and a Spice.
"Flower Therapy" uses flowers, which have healing powers, as a tool to get a glimpse into your inner emotional state. You choose and arranging the flowers and then get an explanation of what your selections signify. The lecturer was Mitsuyo Nakajima, an instructor affiliated with the International Flower and Green Therapy Association.
First, we were asked to write our name on a piece of white paper, using color pencils and pens to create something that is uniquely us.
People with children probably experience drawing on a daily basis, but having paper and colored pencils in front of me really motivated my creative spirit. I was already excited even before touching the flowers.
Next, we were asked to choose flowers that move our hearts, and to take as little or as many as we liked. Then we arranged the flowers in a vase. The freedom in selecting and arranging your own flower creation is so liberating and exciting that it was quickly accomplished. Next came the lecture part.
I used yellow and orange flowers as the central part of my arrangement, but the flower I chose first was white. After listening to Mitsuyo's explanation of Flower Therapy and looking at my arrangement, I thought it accurately portrayed my current state of mind and where I wanted to be.
What was interesting is that the conditions of the times affect the color of flowers that people purchase. According to Junko of BLOOM & STRIPES, people bought more yellow/orange flowers right after the Great Earthquake last year, and after people's emotional state began to settle down many began to buy more while flowers.I found the the relationship between colors and people's state of mind is quite fascinating.
International Flower and Green Therapy Association.
Text and photo, mami
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