
スパイスたちの町おこし / Spices help downtown Philly




今彼女たちはこの通りに地中海メキシカンスペイン(元インド) 料理のレストラン、グルメスーパー、インテリア・ショップ、ギフト・ショップと計6軒の店を経営しているしかもこの6店舗が何とも上手にブランディングされているのだそれぞれの店に個性がありながら”We heart (=love) 13sth Street”というコンセプトの元に素敵な統一感があるスパイスのひとりが大学でグラフィック・デザインの勉強をしていたというのが納得できる



by ゆき子

13ストリートの地図 Map of 13th Street

It is a curious thing that when I was in college in the US, I was always attuned to other Asian students, and when I was pregnant, my eyes always drifted towards other pregnant women. Now that I am involved in Spice Rack, I seem to run into Spices everywhere I go.

It was no different last week when I went to visit my daughter in Philadelphia. I chuckled when I found out that the restaurant my husband and I accidently stumbled into was owned by two Spices. And the amazing fact was that this duo not only owned the restaurant we ate at, but were in fact owners of five other businesses on that street.

Apparently, ten years ago, this was a desolate and seedy neighborhood. It is difficult to imagine this from the chic and trendy atmosphere it now sports. And it is the business enterprises of these two Spices that has been the engine behind this transformation. http://barbuzzo.com/

The Spices own six businesses;  A Mediterranean, a Mexican and a Spanish (formerly Indian) restaurant, a gourmet grocery store, a home interior shop, and a gift/chocolate store. And what a great job they have done with the branding! Each place stands on its own in terms of personality, but together there is a uniformity under the concept of  “We heart (=love) 13th Street”. It is easy to understand that one of the Spices studied graphic design in college.

I assume that the Spices have their share of challenges running their multiple ventures and facing a rise in land price that come with the success of these ventures. However, it is truly admirable that they continue to push forward with their dreams while contributing to the city they love.
That day, I remember seeing a woman doing paperwork at the counter when we were about to leave the restaurant. Later, I found out that is was one of the Spices. Next time I go there, I plan to introduce myself and tell her about Spice Rack.
by Yuki


Happy Halloween!


Autumn has arrived and with it, the beautiful foliage season.
Next Monday is Halloween and the city is filled with pumpkin and ghost decorations.
For families with children, it is the time for costume parties and preparing sweets
to celebrate the event.


Today, I am introducing a patisserie which will help you liven up the festivities by offering fun and delicious baked goods.

グーテ・ド・ママン / Goûter de Maman


The store is called Gouter de Maman and is located in Mita, Tokyo.
The owner is a wonderful Spice named Keiko Mitomi.
Founded in 1983, she has continued to bake goods with high quality ingredients and a homebaked feel to them.


Open the door to the stone building and you will see a display case full of cakes and
other baked goods. Adjacent to it is a cafe with wooden furnitures.
Right now the rooms are full of Halloween decorations and offer a different feel to their usual ambience.

pumpkin chiffon cake (left), Halloween cake (right)

pumpkin scone



Baked goods that are not too sweet and filled with kindness.
A must place to visit for women with discerning tastes.

by 満美 / mami

Goûter de Maman / グーテ・ド・ママン
Website: http://www.g-maman.com/index.htm

〒108-0073 東京都港区三田2-17-29 グランデ三田1F
2-17-19-1F. Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073


お手本となる女性たち  Role Models


例として取り上げられたのが、ブラジル大統領ジルマ・ルセフアメリカ国務長官ヒラリー・クリントン、ドイツ首相アンゲラ・メルケル、チリ前大統領ミシェル・バチェレ と6月にIMF専務理事となったクリスティーヌ・ラガルド。さらに、今年のノーベル平和賞受賞者である3人のアフリカ・アラブ圏の女性たちについて書かれていた。




by ゆき子

Two weeks ago on a plane to NY, I read an article in the International Herald Tribune called “No longer is leadership a men’s club”. The article was about how women are rapidly forging leadership roles on the international scene in the new century.

This impressive list of women included President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the USA, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, former President Michelle Bachelet of Chile and Christine Lagarde, the new director of the IMF. The list went on to include the three female recipients of this year’s Noble Peace Prize from the Africa and the Arab world.

The article first applauded the achievements of these women. It then went on to point out that in recent years, the definition of power is changing dramatically and those in leadership positions need to think in an interdependent world with an emphasis on dialogue. I believe that this need caters to the strength of women.

There was much to learn from this article, but what impressed me most was the comment that the biggest impact of these women is that because of them, there will be more young women and girls who will aspire to see themselves holding that job.

On a personal note, the reason why I thought of creating a Spice Page on the Spice Rack website is because of my hope that as women and girls read the stories of these amazing  Spices, they too will be inspired to start their own businesses.  

 “I want to do this, I can do this”. If more women aspire to entrepreneurship, I believe that there will be a positive impact on both the global society and economy. With this in mind, it is the mission of Spice Rack to contribute by providing these women with the necessary infrastructure and a supportive community.
by Yuki


報道の人 A News Person

年に一度ぐらい会う、とても尊敬する女性がいる。彼女は私の一歳上で、大学を卒業してから民放で報道一筋。記者、デスク、NY支局長社会部長を経て、現在は企画部長として活躍中だ。その上同業の夫と16歳の娘がいる家庭人でもある。そんなオールマイティーな女性だけど、本人はいたってきさくで楽しい、 愉快な飲み友だちである




by ゆき子

   With her daughter in during NY bureau chief era 2003
      NY支局長時代に娘さんとマンハッタンにて   2003   

Drinking buddies    fall, 2011
   飲み友だち    fall, 2011

I have an amazing friend who I see about once a year. She is a news person. After college, she entered one of the major networks in Japan and has assumed the following positions; reporter, desk, New York bureau chief, city news manager and now manager of news and planning.

She is also a wife and a mom to a 16-year old daughter. From all these titles, one would assume a woman with supernatural powers. In reality, she is easy going and funny, and a great drinking buddy.

I called, asked her to be in my blog and then got together. We first spoke about her work. “Being the first woman in all my positions wasn’t easy”. Understatement of the year; I am sure a lot of struggle and frustration is implied in this statement. “But I love the news. I knew I wanted to be a reporter when I watched the Asama Sanso Incident (1972) on TV when I was young”. I believe that this passion for the news is the drive behind her work.

Her story of being a mom is also interesting. News has no timeframe. Raising a child is about managing time. How did she deal with these conflicting facts? “I have always been honest with my daughter about my job. I know that sometimes she was lonely and hurt, but she has a mother who works for the media. That’s the fact.” Wow.

My friend’s daughter is now a senior at a prep school in the States. When she decided to  raise money for the Japanese earthquake and tsunami victims at her school, my friend’s advice was that her daughter see the reality with her own eyes and feel the devastation with her own skin They went to Tohoku together.

“The community apparently raised a lot of money. She also did research and chose the destination for the donation” It was at that moment that I saw the pride of both the news person and the mother in her eyes.

The message I took away is that for work, you’ve got to love what you do. I know from personal experience that it is not always easy running your own show. But if you love doing it, then I believe that this passion will ultimately guide you to your destination.
By Yuki


ひとりのスパイスの思うこと vol.2 / A thought from one Spice vol.2


私の大好きなアメリカのコラムニスト、アンナ・クインドリンは「Living Out Loud」という本の中で、最初の子は親を新品の靴のような状態で迎えるという。新しくてきれいだが、靴ずれする可能性あり。2人目の子供にとっての親はお古かもしれないが履き心地はよい。なるほどと思う



スパイスのママを持つことをどう思っているのかわからないが (“僕に選択の余地なんかあったの?”と笑いながら聞くだろう)、彼を支え、可愛がって下さったみなさまのおかげで、彼は大丈夫という気がする。これからの人生の冒険を楽しんでね。あなたが選ぶ大学の人たちはあなたと出会えてとても幸せだと思う。私たちがそうだから。

by ゆき子

     with older sister, 1994
         姉とともに 1994
       my son (left) with a friend before prom, spring 2011
 春のダンスパーティーの前 息子(左)と友人 2011

“So when is it my turn?” I can almost hear my son asking. Being the second child has its benefits I presume (I don’t know, being the oldest myself), but novelty is not one of them.

My daughter was born twenty months ahead of him, got the first big kid bed, the new bike without the training wheels and the first appearance on my blog.

One of my favorite American columnist, Anna Quindlen, wrote in her book, “Living Out Loud”, that her first child got her “shiny new, like a new pair of shoes, but got the blisters, too”. The second child got her “worn, but comfortable”. Great point.

I believe that his father and my overall attitude towards our second child is one of the reasons why he is the more laid back of our two children. In fact, he was so easy going and I was so comfortable in my role as a mom, that I started to travel farther and longer for work while he was still young. I often ask myself if I cheated him of parents’ weekends, lacrosse games and time spent together.

Now that he is a senior in high school, I watch in awe as my boy turns into a man. He is a dorm leader, a varsity lacrosse player and just a great guy.

I don’t know how he feels about having a Spice as a mom (“did I even have a choice?” he would laugh and say), but thanks to all the people who support and love him, I know he is on solid ground. Good luck my son, in the next adventure of your life. Any college would be lucky to have you as part of their world. I know we are. 

by Yuki


特別な日に、特別なお花を / Very special flowers for a very special day

A gift of flowers bring beauty to those who receive them.
They enrich one's heart.

スパイスラックでは、自由が丘のフラワーセレクトショップ、BLOOM & STRIPESのフラワーデザイナー、今井純子さんをご紹介しています。
Spice Rack is happy to introduce Junko Imai, who is the flower designer for BLOOM & STRIPES, a select flower shop in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo.

One can always look forward with great anticipation to Junko's unique design and style for her arrangements and services.

先日、親しい人へのギフトで送ったBLOOM & STRIPESのアレンジメントをご紹介します。
Today I am introducing a couple of arrangements that she did for our close friends.


A bouquet for a wedding gift.  
I requested a base of white and yellow.

An arrangement for a friend's 50th birthday.
She was featured in this blog as the founder of Club Grace.

Both receipients were thrilled with their elegance and sophistication. It made me proud to have given them.
As Junko says, "a gift of flowers has special significance to both the person giving it as well as receiving it".

特別な日に、BLOOM & STRIPESのお花を選んでみませんか?
What about choosing BLOOM & STRIPES for that special day?


by 満美 / mami


家族の定義 Definition of Family






by ゆき子


                                Kyoto, Japan 1981

                                                                                                                                      2011 Summer

My best friend from college is a Spice who has a PhD in psychology and runs a private practice. Her partner, another psychologist, is also a Spice who creates and runs programs on diversity for schools. They have been together for twenty years and have two children.

In the US, seven states have legalized same-sex marriages. Proponents of this argue that the institution of marriage is a unique form of love and commitment and the rights therefore should extend to same-sex marriages. The opposed say the same but come to the opposite conclusion.

It is not the purpose of this blog to argue the legality of same-sex marriages but to write about what I feel constitutes a family. For me, a family is a group of people who are bound by mutual love and respect, a commitment to one another’s welfare and a shared goal. In this respect, I believe a family transcends blood, gender, race and religion.

Over thirty years ago, my friend’s large extended family opened their home and hearts to a young Japanese foreign student. They treated and loved me as one of their own. Knowing that I had a family in the States made being 6,000 miles away from home a lot easier. I will always be deeply grateful for their generosity.

Thus it comes as no surprise that she has continued to increase and extend her family, according to her definition. I too have been blessed to be surrounded by many whom I consider family. I am looking forward with much anticipation to the beginning of a brand new Spice Rack family.                
by Yuki