by ゆき子

Kyoto, Japan 1981
2011 Summer
My best friend from college is a Spice who has a PhD in psychology and runs a private practice. Her partner, another psychologist, is also a Spice who creates and runs programs on diversity for schools. They have been together for twenty years and have two children.
In the US, seven states have legalized same-sex marriages. Proponents of this argue that the institution of marriage is a unique form of love and commitment and the rights therefore should extend to same-sex marriages. The opposed say the same but come to the opposite conclusion.
It is not the purpose of this blog to argue the legality of same-sex marriages but to write about what I feel constitutes a family. For me, a family is a group of people who are bound by mutual love and respect, a commitment to one another’s welfare and a shared goal. In this respect, I believe a family transcends blood, gender, race and religion.
Over thirty years ago, my friend’s large extended family opened their home and hearts to a young Japanese foreign student. They treated and loved me as one of their own. Knowing that I had a family in the States made being 6,000 miles away from home a lot easier. I will always be deeply grateful for their generosity.
Thus it comes as no surprise that she has continued to increase and extend her family, according to her definition. I too have been blessed to be surrounded by many whom I consider family. I am looking forward with much anticipation to the beginning of a brand new Spice Rack family.
by Yuki
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