私の大好きなアメリカのコラムニスト、アンナ・クインドリンは「Living Out Loud」という本の中で、最初の子は親を新品の靴のような状態で迎えるという。新しくてきれいだが、靴ずれする可能性あり。2人目の子供にとっての親はお古かもしれないが履き心地はよい。なるほどと思う。
スパイスのママを持つことをどう思っているのかわからないが (“僕に選択の余地なんかあったの?”と笑いながら聞くだろう)、彼を支え、可愛がって下さったみなさまのおかげで、彼は大丈夫という気がする。これからの人生の冒険を楽しんでね。あなたが選ぶ大学の人たちはあなたと出会えてとても幸せだと思う。私たちがそうだから。
by ゆき子
with older sister, 1994
姉とともに 1994
my son (left) with a friend before prom, spring 2011
春のダンスパーティーの前 息子(左)と友人 2011
“So when is it my turn?” I can almost hear my son asking. Being the second child has its benefits I presume (I don’t know, being the oldest myself), but novelty is not one of them.
My daughter was born twenty months ahead of him, got the first big kid bed, the new bike without the training wheels and the first appearance on my blog.
One of my favorite American columnist, Anna Quindlen, wrote in her book, “Living Out Loud”, that her first child got her “shiny new, like a new pair of shoes, but got the blisters, too”. The second child got her “worn, but comfortable”. Great point.
I believe that his father and my overall attitude towards our second child is one of the reasons why he is the more laid back of our two children. In fact, he was so easy going and I was so comfortable in my role as a mom, that I started to travel farther and longer for work while he was still young. I often ask myself if I cheated him of parents’ weekends, lacrosse games and time spent together.
Now that he is a senior in high school, I watch in awe as my boy turns into a man. He is a dorm leader, a varsity lacrosse player and just a great guy.
I don’t know how he feels about having a Spice as a mom (“did I even have a choice?” he would laugh and say), but thanks to all the people who support and love him, I know he is on solid ground. Good luck my son, in the next adventure of your life. Any college would be lucky to have you as part of their world. I know we are.
by Yuki
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