
Lunch at LIFE


Having lunch on a slightly rainy and chilly day.
There are four of us: two Spices, the exclusive writer for Spice Rack and me
The place: LIFE, an Italian Restaurant in Yoyogi with a strong conncection to the two Spices


Topics of discussion:  our recent activities, the introductory Spice Page, and (of course with four women) beauty, restaurants, etc.




I ordered the daily changing plate lunch, which is pasta with roast chicken and fried eggplant.It comes with a sidedish of homemade veggies. yum... 

LOTA PRODUCT 香菜子さん / Kanako

グラフィックデザイナー 川上恵美さん
Graphic Designer        Megumi Kawakami


This book includes simple recipes from Tuscany covering traditional to modern, selected by the owner-chef of LIFE, Mr.Aiba. 
It is like a story book with illustration by Kanako and overall desgin by Megumi.
A collaboration of two Spices!

恵美さんがデザインした シンプルなLIFE WORK PRODUCTSのマークが素敵。

A  canvas tote bag, with a simple LIFE WORK PRODUCTS logo, designed by Megumi

LOTA PRODUCTが栃木県の染工房がらやとコラボレートして作った大判ハンカチ。鳥のモチーフが好き、という香菜子さんによる暖かみのあるデザイン。 
LOTA PRODUCTの商品は、スパイスラックでも紹介させていただく予定です。どうぞお楽しみに。

A large handkerchief, a collaborative effort by LOTA PRODUCTS and a dye studio GARATA in Tochigi Prefecture. 
Products from LOTA PRODUCT will be introduced on Spice Rack. Something to look forward to!

What a great way to start off the week. I am throughly rejuvenated.
By 満美/mami

Chiyoda-line: 3 minutes walk from Yoyogi Koen station


megumi kawakami


昔の自分を思い出す人 Like me, back when






by ゆき子

                                           in Newmarket, UK, 2008

I met a person who reminded me of my younger self. I still remember the sense of nostalgia and familiarity I felt when I met this Japanese woman in a small English town.

She was the head of marketing for Japan for a company based in England, an account we were fortunate enough to land. She is sixteen years younger than me, which means she was born just about the time I was preparing to go to college in the States.

The three years we spent together on this account was challenging, but the experience gained was invaluable. What I am most pleased about is that she was able to achieve all the goals she set for her company when she took on this position. This is solely due to her leadership, determination and effort. Not surprising for a woman who in 5th grade went abroad by herself to study, to a country where she knew no one.

I think what we have most in common is our ability to take action. However, once she began to take part in management, she faced various demands from headquarters, the Japan branch, her clients and staff. There were times she had to hold back on what she believed was the right thing to do, times when the outcome wasn’t what she expected. It was difficult to see her discouraged and anguished. All the more because of her commitment.

I remember feeling like that. However, now, due to age or experience or both, I understand that it is still important to act in what you believe in, even if the results aren’t apparent right away. That sometimes your efforts bear fruit when you least expect it. We used to spend many hours talking about things like this.

In a couple of months, she will be a mom and will embark on a new phase of her life. Will she go independent like me at some point in the future? “If so, you have Spice Rack”, I tell her.
by Yuki


"hina himuka" ロータス ピアス/ lotus pierced earrings






hina himuka  http://www.hinahimuka.com

by 満美

hina himuka lotus pierced earrings

...waiting for the typhoon to pass by.
How is everyone on this very rainy afternoon?

Hina, a jewelry designer and a Spice, came to visit and showed us some of her work.
Each piece is inspired by nature and is individually and lovingly handmade.
Yesterday, she brought along some of her lotus collection.
Just wearing Hina's  jewelry fills you with positive energy and brightness.

As a reward to myself, I bought the piece shown above.
There were many other beautiful pieces with pearls and rose quarts.
It was a difficult decision, but in the end, I went with the simple lotus design.
According to Hina, the golden lotus in created in the image of the sun.
Even on a day like today, these earrings keep me uplifted.

Hina's pieces will be shown on Spice Rack. Stay tuned!

hina himuka  http://www.hinahimuka.com 
by mami


日本のガールスカウト Girl Scouts in Japan


義妹は9歳の時に、学校の友だちが参加していることで興味を持ち、ガールスカウトになった。(http://www.girlscout.or.jp/) 40代の前半、3人の男子の母親になった今でもリーダーとして活動を続けている。




                                                                                                   by ゆき子

“Please take a look”, said my sister-in-law (my brother’s wife ) as she handed me a book
called Beautiful Heart and Capable Handsabout the Girl Scouts of Japan (http://www.girlscout.or.jp/). “ I thought it would be useful to have this kind of book, spoke to a publisher and now here it is.”

My sister-in-law joined the Girls Scouts when she was nine. Her friend from school had joined earlier and it had perked her interest. Even now, in her early forties and a mom of three boys, she participates regularly as a leader.

The universal theme of the organization is “self-reliance” but its definition has changed over the years. At present, their mission is to foster leadership amongst its members. The word leadership can be somewhat vague, but when coupled with the English copy, “discover your potential”, it becomes easier to understand.

What Girl Scouts requires is for its members to seek and identify their potential, then to think of how this relates to society at large. Then, through activities provided by Girl Scouts, affect positive changes for society.  It is this kind of movement that characterizes the organization. Finally, by continuing to participate over the years, one grows to become a woman who can think and act independently.

According to my sister-in-law, the reason she continues to participate is that she can be active anywhere in the world, feel comfort in the support of friends, and consequently broaden her perspective.

Every day, the Spices are also discovering their potential and putting their talents to work. I hope that Spice Rack will be a place that continues to encourage and support these dedicated Spices.                                         by Yuki


aime 期間限定ショップ オープン / "aime" limited SHOP open!

〈Spice 新着情報〉

 バスケット編カーデ / Basket-knit cardigan      ¥ 26,250 


横浜高島屋 9月14日(水)〜20日(火) 3Fにて 
玉川高島屋 10月12日(水)〜25日(火)

Atsuko Ando is a Spice and her fashion brand "Aime" is being introduced on Spice Rack.
Her 2011 FW collection focuses on knitted products, and includes shawls and various small items.
Atsuko began her brand in 2010 and this will be her second season.
"Aime" brand theme is " Mature & Cute" and her line includes clothes as well as handmade accessories.
Come take a peek durind these limited times and have fun wearing her stylish brand this fall and winter!

Sept. 14th (Wed) - 20th (Tue) @ Takashimaya Dept. Store in Yokohama
October 12th (Wed) - 25th (Tue) @ Takashimaya Dept. Store in Tamagawa

パール付きケーブル編プルオーバー / Cable-knit pullover with pearls  ¥ 25,200

レース付きボーダーカーデ / Border cardigan with lace    ¥16,800

イアーマフ 素材はFOXでラインストーンをあしらっています
Ear muffs: material is fox and decorated with rhinestone    ¥12,600

チェックストール 素材はwoolで183×73の大判ストールです   
          Checkered shawl: material is wool, size is 183cm X 73cm    

ひとりのスパイスの思うこと / A thought from one Spice


彼女が生まれる前の時代のことを自分のBC(Before Children)期と称しているのだが、BC期の私は綿密なプランとそれをやりとおすガッツさえあれば仕事はその通りに行くものだと思っていた。大学、大学院のあとは銀行ウーマンとしてウオール街と大手町で働き、数字を扱う仕事だったので、私の性格には結構合っていた気がする。




私にとって大事なことを、生まれてきてくれたことによって教えてくれた娘には心から感謝している。20歳のお誕生日おめでとう & 素敵な未来が広がりますように。   
by ゆき子

My daughter, who was the catalyst for my going independent, will turn twenty next month.

I call the years before she was born my BC (Before Children) years. Back then I believed that with precise planning and enough guts, all work would go according to plan. I graduated from college, then graduate school, and was working as a banker, first on Wall Street, then in Otemachi (financial district in Tokyo). Given my personality I think number crunching suited me well.

It was my daughter who brought change to this scenario. Babies NEVER react according to their parents’ plans. They are up when you want them to sleep, and they sleep when you need them to be awake. They cry and laugh according to their whim. One week they love vegetables, the next they don’t. There is no manual to fall back on. Consequently, I spent my days in shock and confusion.

Fast forward to now. What I have learned from her has helped me so much, especially since I began my own company. That is, sometimes things happen that no amount of planning or guts can help. Actually, now that I think about it, there may be more times like this than not. The important point is the flexibility of the mind and heart in processing that situation and in the manner in which you react to it.

As a spice, I still have ways to go. However, I am a little better at handling unforeseen situations and being able to maintain my equilibrium.

I am grateful to my daughter for teaching me this valuable lesson just by being born. Happy 20th birthday sweetheart, and I wish you many, many wonderful years to come.                       by Yuki


クラブ・グレース Club Grace






By ゆき子

It has frequently occurred to me that many of my Japanese friends who graduated from college and entered the workforce in the mid-80s, and in particular those women who went on to start their own businesses, have something in common. 

Entering the workforce during the bubbliest economic years in Japan, we were encouraged to think positively and to believe we could achieve anything. This attitude still holds true for many of us. It is also interesting that now, as we hover around the 50 benchmark, many of us have begun projects that will hopefully benefit the next generation of women.

One of these friends has recently started a women’s group called Club Grace, with a mission “to support the realization of goals of working women”. I have been honored to become one of its founding members.

My friend is the founder and president of a company which creates and implements leadership training programs for various corporations (http://www.celebrity-japan.com. Based on her expertise, one specific activity of Club Grace is the “wise circle”, a once a month group coaching program for the purpose of realizing our personal goals. We have been doing this with the five founding members. It is very interesting and a lot of fun!

Through Club Grace’s activities, she would like to build a community of “people with heart”. Her definition of “people with heart” are people who are inspired, grateful, able to enjoy life, want to make a better world, and want to support others. It is her theory that when “people with heart” get together and cooperate, then it is easier to affect changes for a better world. Absolutely.

In the future, it will be fun to think of collaborative projects between Spice Rack and Club Grace. There is no limit to what this expanded community of women can do. 
By Yuki