
ひとりのスパイスの思うこと / A thought from one Spice


彼女が生まれる前の時代のことを自分のBC(Before Children)期と称しているのだが、BC期の私は綿密なプランとそれをやりとおすガッツさえあれば仕事はその通りに行くものだと思っていた。大学、大学院のあとは銀行ウーマンとしてウオール街と大手町で働き、数字を扱う仕事だったので、私の性格には結構合っていた気がする。




私にとって大事なことを、生まれてきてくれたことによって教えてくれた娘には心から感謝している。20歳のお誕生日おめでとう & 素敵な未来が広がりますように。   
by ゆき子

My daughter, who was the catalyst for my going independent, will turn twenty next month.

I call the years before she was born my BC (Before Children) years. Back then I believed that with precise planning and enough guts, all work would go according to plan. I graduated from college, then graduate school, and was working as a banker, first on Wall Street, then in Otemachi (financial district in Tokyo). Given my personality I think number crunching suited me well.

It was my daughter who brought change to this scenario. Babies NEVER react according to their parents’ plans. They are up when you want them to sleep, and they sleep when you need them to be awake. They cry and laugh according to their whim. One week they love vegetables, the next they don’t. There is no manual to fall back on. Consequently, I spent my days in shock and confusion.

Fast forward to now. What I have learned from her has helped me so much, especially since I began my own company. That is, sometimes things happen that no amount of planning or guts can help. Actually, now that I think about it, there may be more times like this than not. The important point is the flexibility of the mind and heart in processing that situation and in the manner in which you react to it.

As a spice, I still have ways to go. However, I am a little better at handling unforeseen situations and being able to maintain my equilibrium.

I am grateful to my daughter for teaching me this valuable lesson just by being born. Happy 20th birthday sweetheart, and I wish you many, many wonderful years to come.                       by Yuki

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