義妹は9歳の時に、学校の友だちが参加していることで興味を持ち、ガールスカウトになった。(http://www.girlscout.or.jp/) 40代の前半、3人の男子の母親になった今でもリーダーとして活動を続けている。
by ゆき子
“Please take a look”, said my sister-in-law (my brother’s wife ) as she handed me a book
called 『Beautiful Heart and Capable Hands』about the Girl Scouts of Japan (http://www.girlscout.or.jp/). “ I thought it would be useful to have this kind of book, spoke to a publisher and now here it is.”
My sister-in-law joined the Girls Scouts when she was nine. Her friend from school had joined earlier and it had perked her interest. Even now, in her early forties and a mom of three boys, she participates regularly as a leader.
The universal theme of the organization is “self-reliance” but its definition has changed over the years. At present, their mission is to foster leadership amongst its members. The word leadership can be somewhat vague, but when coupled with the English copy, “discover your potential”, it becomes easier to understand.
What Girl Scouts requires is for its members to seek and identify their potential, then to think of how this relates to society at large. Then, through activities provided by Girl Scouts, affect positive changes for society. It is this kind of movement that characterizes the organization. Finally, by continuing to participate over the years, one grows to become a woman who can think and act independently.
According to my sister-in-law, the reason she continues to participate is that she can be active anywhere in the world, feel comfort in the support of friends, and consequently broaden her perspective.
Every day, the Spices are also discovering their potential and putting their talents to work. I hope that Spice Rack will be a place that continues to encourage and support these dedicated Spices. by Yuki
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