
「女性」と「政治」 “Women” and “Politics”







By ゆき

Dinner at the Spice Rack Office

I am guessing that Japanese politics is very confusing to the rest of the world. When I am back in the States, I am asked whether the Japanese people are okay with so frequent a change in leadership. I never know what to say.

This year I was introduced to a woman who had been a policy secretary for a congresswoman for 15 years, and who is now a consultant in the field of “women” and “politics”. She is about my age, studied in the States on a Rotary Club scholarship after college and is a working mom. We are now good friends and the world of Japanese politics seems a little more approachable to me.

She says that Nagata-cho (the geographical center of Japanese politics) is set up under the assumption that men run government. Consequently it is a difficult place for women to work. However since half the population are women, she states that there has to be more women involved to appropriately represent our voice.

This year she began her tenure as a board member for the newly founded Japan School of Policy Making. (http://j-policy.org/) This school aims to bring up the next generation of political leaders who can think in broad based terms. For this they have a wide range of instructors from diverse professions. However, even at this school, she felt that there was a lack of commitment to women at first. She took on this position with the hope that her presence and experience will help other women take interest in politics.

What she strongly advocates is the need for diversity in the world of politics. When you look at the composition of those in office, there is clearly a lack of women, people in their 20s~30s and those with disabilities. She states that a comprehensive policy can only be made by having various groups represented and heard.

She is also involved in other organizations and activities that address rights for women. Getting pregnant and having a baby during her graduate school years and being a working mother ever since, she is a great person to have on our side.

“311 happened, and we will continue to have a declining birth rate. However, accepting this, I would like to do what I can so that Japan is a country which the children can be proud of. That is what my next 10 years are for.” Whenever I listen to her, I cannot but think that people’s faith in Japanese politics would increase if someone like her was in a leadership position. I am pretty confident that I'm not the only one.

By Yuki

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