by ゆき子
The other day a package arrived at my office. I had no idea who it was for, asked around, and finally realized that it was me who placed the order. Aghast, I thought what an inconvenience it was to get older and forgetful.
Then, right after that happened, I was trying to figure out a solution to a problem, thought back on some of the experiences I’ve had, then came up with an idea. That’s when I realized that though there are some drawbacks to getting older, it is far outweighed by the benefits of having more experiences (=shelves) to tap into. That is, the more shelves you have, the more approaches you have access to when trying to find answers. For some reason, this made sense to me.
However, I also believe that it is not just merely accumulating experiences that counts. The experience has to somehow have meaning. By that, I mean, that the experience has to interest you, have value for you and enable you to do it wholeheartedly.
When I was about thirty, I asked my wise father-in-law about what I should do with what I perceived then was my disjointed and disorganized life.
I still remember the advice he gave me. He told me that I was still young and that I should challenge myself to many things. However, the important thing was that I do it with interest and in earnest. And that if I do so, when I looked back on my life when I was fifty, all the points would connect and that my life would seem like a coherent line. I took the advice to heart even though I did not understand. But now that I am fifty-one, I know it to be true.
One life, many shelves. Though there is a small part of me that envies the Spices and the women of today for all the adventures they will have in this exciting world, I am, right now, satisfied with the life and the amount of shelves that I have.
by Yuki