まだ日本が開国して間もない時期に未知の世界に渡った青年たちはどんな気持ちだったのだろうか?期待と不安の日々。しかし、故郷のためにがんばっている姿が想像できる。日本人の生活にワインが根づくのはもうしばらくかかるが、今や世界中でKOSHU WINEが注目を浴びつつあるのだから2人の努力は報われたといってよい。
スパイスラックのスパイスたちは業種も起業歴も異なるが、自分たちの提供するモノ、作品やサービスが「人や生活を潤したい」と誰かのために役に立ちたい気持ちが共通している。SPICE RACKがこのような女性たちの活躍に協力できたらとても嬉しい。
By ゆき子(文) & 満美(写真)
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勝沼醸造 Katsunuma Winery |
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勝沼醸造 / Katsunuma Winery |
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渡仏した2人の写真、など Pictures of the men who went to France, etc. |
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まだ少しだけぶどうの実も A few grapes left... |
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Lunch at 原茂ワインのレストラン Lunch at the Haramo Winery Cafe |
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丸藤葡萄酒工業 Marufuji Winery |
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甲州種の畑 at 丸藤 KOSHU grape vineyard at Marufuji |
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企画してくれた友人夫妻 My friends who planned the tour |
I just returned from an overnight winery tour to Katsunuma in Yamanashi Prefecture.
Katsunuma is located about 1 1/2 hours by train from Tokyo and is the home of Japanese KOSHU wine. My friend and her husband, who is originally from this area, have been organizing tours to the vineyards for a couple of years. I love to drink wine and I want to support the local industry so this was a perfect opportunity for me to do both.
I always welcome the opportunity to drink good wine but what touched my heart is how proud this area is of its history of wine.making In particular, the story of two local young men (24 and 19) who went to France in 1877 to learn the method of making wine appears repeatedly on the walls of every vineyard. Their story and picture is almost a symbol of the KOSHU brand.
What makes their adventure quite amazing is that they went abroad at a time when Japan had just opened its doors to the outside world after more than 200 years of isolation. Two young people travelled far from home to unknown land so that they could bring back the technology that would help the local community. That’s commitment. It has taken a while but KOSHU wine is receiving more acclaim in both Japan and abroad so their efforts are finally bearing fruit.
Reflecting back on their story, I think that even though a business has to be profitable, there has to be more to the objective than just the bottom line. That is, an element that calls for the betterment of society and people. I believe that is why these two men were able to accomplish what they accomplished.
The Spices on Spice Rack differ in what they do or how long they have been doing it, but there is a common thread in that they want to provide goods and services that enrich the lives of others. They aspire to do something that makes a difference. I have great admiration for these women and hope that SPICE RACK can assist them achieve their goals.
Thank you to my friends for introducing me to this part of Japan. For those living in or visiting Japan, I hope you have a chance to take a trip to Katsunuma. It’s a really neat place. For those wine aficionados around the world, please keep your eyes out for KOSHU wine.
Here are some of my favorite vineyards & restaurants in the area.
By Yuki (article) & mami (photo)
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