18年前に、2人のベビーがいながら会社勤めはムリ、どうせ自分の子供たちにも必要だから、という単純な理由でアメリカから子供服の輸入を始めた。計画性もなく、かなり無謀な独立の仕方だったと笑ってしまう。あれから私も会社も紆余曲折あり、今にいたる。そのプロセスの中で、たくさんの反省点もあるが、総合的に考えると「独立」して本当に良かったと思う。だからこそ今度は独立を考えている女性たちに、Spice Rack を通じてお役に立てればと願う。
テキスト by ゆき子、写真 by 満美
Continuing my train of thought from last week, I have been thinking more about women and entrepreneurship. Since one of the objectives of Spice Rack is to inspire women who are thinking of starting their own businesses, as well as, assisting those who already have, I decided to write down some thoughts on this topic.
Having been a Spice for a while, I believe that independence is a state of mind. By this I mean you have to mentally commit to doing this. You may be ready to leave your company to start your own, or want to turn a hobby into a business. There will, no doubt be a change in one’s physical environment in doing this, but the most important thing I believe is the mental part, that is, the drive, the determination and the spirit, to undertake this adventure.
I also think it important to love and have great interest in what you are going to do. Of course, it is a good thing to examine whether your venture will be a viable business or if there is adequate demand for your product or service. But if you love what you do, you will work harder and continue to improve, and this in turn, will help your work.
In recent years there has been an increase in the start up of social businesses, that is , in businesses that have social objectives. I believe that this trend will continue into the future. Thus, it makes good sense to sit down and analyze how your enterprise will contribute to society and people and be able to explain this to others.
Finally, I will write down some personal notes on what I have enjoyed and what I have struggled with in starting and running my own business.
I have enjoyed;
・Being able to work according to my lifestyle
・Being given the opportunity to really think about what I like to do, what I am good at doing and what makes good business sense
・Being able to determine the culture and method of my work
I have struggled with;
・Distinguishing between my private life and work life
・The constant pressure knowing that the buck stops with me
・Maintaining equilibrium of the body and mind
18 years ago, I left my old workplace because I found it too difficult to be a mother to two babies and to work fulltime for them. I started importing children’s goods partly because I needed these things for my children as well. I had no plan to speak of and I laugh to think how gutsy (or crazy) I was. Since that time, my company and I have both experienced many changes. I have made mistakes and been frustrated and anguished at times, but overall it has been a great experience. Now, I am looking forward to working with aspiring Spices though Spice Rack.
text by yuki, photo by mami