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新年になった瞬間(on TV) Welcome to the New Year (on TV) |
アメリカでは新年を迎えると“New Years Resolution” (新年の決意)を考えるのが慣わしである。大晦日に近所のジムにヨガをしに行ったのだが、その時の先生が「決意」ということばを使ってしまうと人は自分にプレッシャーをかけ、到達できなかった場合自己嫌悪に陥ったりするので、来年は”Intent”(何を思いながら生きるか)を考えたらどうかという話があった。一瞬これは何のクラスかと思ったが、話を聞いていると、確かにこちらの考え方は包括的だし、プレッシャーも少ない。でも日々の生活の指針にはなる。2011年最後の日に面白い話を聞いたなと思いながら帰路についたのである。
by ゆき子
There is a custom in the States to make a New Years’ Resolution at the beginning of the year. I went to a yoga class on the morning of New Years Eve where the yoga instructor spoke about this topic. His theory was that a “resolution” puts too much pressure on a person since if you cannot achieve this goal, people tend to interpret this as personal failure. Not good. The alternative, according to him, is to focus on “intent”, that is, on how you intend to live your life. This is a more comprehensive way of thinking with less pressure, but at the same time, provides one with a guiding principle for every day.
After that bit of enlightenment, I spent the evening watching the annual countdown at Times Square with friends and family in the comfort of my home.
Happy New Years! I wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2012.
Here are some pictures from New York.
by Yuki
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年末は街もソワソワ The town seems excited |
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カウントダウンとともにここからボールが落ちて来ます The ball drops from here along with the countdown |
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メディアの準備もOK Media truck is ready to go |
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