
日常に潤いを~ スパイスたちのメッセージ / Enriching Everyday Life ~Message from the Spices








テキスト by ゆき子、アレンジメント by 満美 (@BLOOM & STRIPES)

It is hard to believe that two months have passed since the launch of Spice Rack. The shop will (finally) open soon and we will be able to feed news directly from the website. It will be great to have all the basic features in place.

A feature of Spice Rack that I am enjoying tremendously is the routinely held Potluck. Each time we get together, I am reminded of the importance of meeting face to face. As we talk about work and share a meal, we really get to know one other. Since one of the goals of Spice Rack is to build a community, this is imperative.

These days, with preparations for the exhibition underway, I get to see more of the Spices. This week we went to view the venue and had a meeting with the participants, the gallery owner and the Spice Rack team.

Maybe because of this, I have been thinking a lot about people starting their own enterprises. This is my personal opinion, but I think that if more men begin “to bring change to people’s lives”, more women begin “to enrich people’s lives”. A “macro” vs. “micro” way of thinking. Neither is better, just different.

When I think about the Spices, whether they make products, show their work or provide services, their main objective is to enrich the heart and lives of people and to bring them happiness. This is a common movitation for the Spices.

It is precisely because Spice Rack is a place where these women gather, we would like to accurately communicate the message from each Spice through this platform. By posting the stories of the Spices, people have access to the story behind the product, work or service. I believe that this connection will lead to a more personal purchasing experience. It is different from providing mass produced goods and services,  but  I am glad people have this choice.

While pondering these things, I check my calendar and look forward to the next time I will be seeing the Spices
 text by yuki, arrangement by mami (@BLOOM & STRIPES)

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