
「独立」は心の在り方 / Independence is a State of Mind








18年前に、2人のベビーがいながら会社勤めはムリ、どうせ自分の子供たちにも必要だから、という単純な理由でアメリカから子供服の輸入を始めた。計画性もなく、かなり無謀な独立の仕方だったと笑ってしまう。あれから私も会社も紆余曲折あり、今にいたる。そのプロセスの中で、たくさんの反省点もあるが、総合的に考えると「独立」して本当に良かったと思う。だからこそ今度は独立を考えている女性たちに、Spice Rack を通じてお役に立てればと願う。

テキスト by ゆき子、写真 by 満美

Continuing my train of thought from last week, I have been thinking more about women and entrepreneurship. Since one of the objectives of Spice Rack is to inspire women who are thinking of starting their own businesses, as well as, assisting those who already have, I decided to write down some thoughts on this topic.

Having been a Spice for a while, I believe that independence is a state of mind. By this I mean you have to mentally commit to doing this. You may be ready to leave your company to start your own, or want to turn a hobby into a business. There will, no doubt be a change in one’s physical environment in doing this, but the most important thing I believe is the mental part, that is, the drive, the determination and the spirit, to undertake this adventure.

I also think it important to love and have great interest in what you are going to do. Of course, it is a good thing to examine whether your venture will be a viable business or if there is adequate demand for your product or service. But if you love what you do, you will work harder and continue to improve, and this in turn, will help your work.

In recent years there has been an increase in the start up of social businesses, that is , in businesses that have social objectives. I believe that this trend will continue into the future. Thus, it makes good sense to sit down and analyze how your enterprise will contribute to society and people and be able to explain this to others.

Finally, I will write down some personal notes on what I have enjoyed and what I have struggled with in starting and running my own business.

I have enjoyed;
Being able to work according to my lifestyle
Being given the opportunity to really think about what I like to do, what I am good at doing   and  what makes good business sense
Being able to determine the culture and method of my work

I have struggled with;
Distinguishing between my private life and work life
The constant pressure knowing that the buck stops with me
Maintaining equilibrium of the body and mind

18 years ago, I left my old workplace because I found it too difficult to be a mother to two babies and to work fulltime for them. I started importing children’s goods partly because I needed these things for my children as well. I had no plan to speak of  and I laugh to think how gutsy (or crazy) I was. Since that time, my company and I have both experienced many changes. I have made mistakes and been frustrated and anguished at times, but overall it has been a great experience. Now, I am looking forward to working with aspiring Spices though Spice Rack.

text by yuki, photo by mami


日常に潤いを~ スパイスたちのメッセージ / Enriching Everyday Life ~Message from the Spices








テキスト by ゆき子、アレンジメント by 満美 (@BLOOM & STRIPES)

It is hard to believe that two months have passed since the launch of Spice Rack. The shop will (finally) open soon and we will be able to feed news directly from the website. It will be great to have all the basic features in place.

A feature of Spice Rack that I am enjoying tremendously is the routinely held Potluck. Each time we get together, I am reminded of the importance of meeting face to face. As we talk about work and share a meal, we really get to know one other. Since one of the goals of Spice Rack is to build a community, this is imperative.

These days, with preparations for the exhibition underway, I get to see more of the Spices. This week we went to view the venue and had a meeting with the participants, the gallery owner and the Spice Rack team.

Maybe because of this, I have been thinking a lot about people starting their own enterprises. This is my personal opinion, but I think that if more men begin “to bring change to people’s lives”, more women begin “to enrich people’s lives”. A “macro” vs. “micro” way of thinking. Neither is better, just different.

When I think about the Spices, whether they make products, show their work or provide services, their main objective is to enrich the heart and lives of people and to bring them happiness. This is a common movitation for the Spices.

It is precisely because Spice Rack is a place where these women gather, we would like to accurately communicate the message from each Spice through this platform. By posting the stories of the Spices, people have access to the story behind the product, work or service. I believe that this connection will lead to a more personal purchasing experience. It is different from providing mass produced goods and services,  but  I am glad people have this choice.

While pondering these things, I check my calendar and look forward to the next time I will be seeing the Spices
 text by yuki, arrangement by mami (@BLOOM & STRIPES)


SPICE RACK ポットラック no.2 / SPICE RACK Potluck no.2

個性豊かなスパイスたち with 真也 (本はマニグリエ真矢さん執筆)
Spices with Character with Shinya (Book by Maia Maniglier)



・ 参加はじめてのスパイスから自分のビジネスについてのお話
・ スパイスが最近手掛けた作品とか商品などのシェア
・ スパイスラック博覧会の打ち合わせ
Date:  2月13日(火)- 2月19日(日)
Time:  11:00 AM ~ 8:00PM
Place:  gallery ON THE HILL 
・ ディナー&ワイン&たくさんの笑い

今回の参加スパイスはマニグリエ真矢さん(エクスプリム / マヤゴノミ)土井幸さん(MION) 香菜子さん(LOTA PRODUCT)川上恵美さん事務局側から竹崎さん真也さんと私

テキスト by ゆき子、写真 by 満美

Potluck no.2


Explanation of business from Spices new to Potluck
Talk about recent works and products by the Spices
Discussion about Spice Rack Exhibition
Date:   February 14th (Tues)February 19th (Sun)
Time:  11:00 AM ~ 8:00PM
Place:  gallery ON THE HILL 

And of course,
Dinner & Wine & lots and lots of Laughter

Spices: Maia Maniglier (exprime / maiagonomi), Sachi Doi(MION),
               Kanako (LOTA PRODUCT), Megumi Kawakami
Spice Rack: Mami, Shinya & Yuki

Here are some pictures.
text by yuki, photo by mami
Yuki's Fish Tacos

Label Design by exprime inc.

"Walk" バッジ by LOTA PRODUCT & ロータスリングby hina himuka
"Walk" badge by LOTA PRODUCT & Lotus ring by hina himuka

カレンダーのデザインby 川上恵美
Calendar Design by Megumi Kawakami


牧師の義姉 My Sister the Minister






by ゆき子

My Hero
The Five Daughters


My big sister-in-law is my hero. She communicates with the Almighty on a regular basis as a minister of the Episcopal Church, is a dynamic preacher who gives moving sermons and is the coolest servant of God that I have ever met. She is also a wife of over thirty years to a Civil War scholar and a mother to five beautiful daughters. But personally, I love her for her wisdom that has guided me through the turning points and not-so-easy times in my life.

I believe she was destined for ministry. However, on a temporal level, it was the death of her fiancée during college that pushed her in this direction. At his death, an acquaintance said to her that God must have needed him more than she did. This was not an idea she could embrace or accept. So being who she is, she decided that if she was prepared to reject this idea of where God was in his death, she needed to find out for herself where God might be in the midst of her pain. So she went to divinity school and became a minister, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Before becoming a minister for the current parish, she was responsible for the hospice arm of a hospital. I asked her how she could deal with death on a regular basis and not let it get to her. What she told me was that she believes death to be just a natural part of the human experience and that, “although there is no perfect thing to say, I think it important to just be there for the patients and their loved ones.”

What I enjoy about being with her is that we can talk about things like human mortality and God, or religion and faith, without all the formality. Like while wearing pajamas or when drinking a glass of wine. She makes it easy to do this. I think this is because for my sister-in-law, spirituality is just a part of everyday life.

Her wisdom is what stopped me from going to Africa with the Peace Corps the first year of our marriage (“one adjustment is plenty”) and what got me through my concern over my son’s speech delay (“you’ve gotta accept him for who he is”), among other things.
There are many reasons to appreciate the family I married into, but having this sister-in-law as a constant in my life is definitely a big one. How lucky am I to have two more.

by Yuki



新年になった瞬間(on TV)
Welcome to the  New Year (on TV)

アメリカでは新年を迎えるとNew Years Resolution新年の決意を考えるのが慣わしである大晦日に近所のジムにヨガをしに行ったのだが、その時の先生が「決意」ということばを使ってしまうと人は自分にプレッシャーをかけ、到達できなかった場合自己嫌悪に陥ったりするので、来年は”Intent”何を思いながら生きるかを考えたらどうかという話があった一瞬これは何のクラスかと思ったが話を聞いていると確かにこちらの考え方は包括的だしプレッシャーも少ないでも日々の生活の指針にはなる2011年最後の日に面白い話を聞いたなと思いながら帰路についたのである。




by ゆき子

There is a custom in the States to make a New Years’ Resolution at the beginning of the year. I went to a yoga class on the morning of New Years Eve where the yoga instructor spoke about this topic. His theory was that a “resolution” puts too much pressure on a person since if you cannot achieve this goal, people tend to interpret this as personal failure. Not good. The alternative, according to him, is to focus on “intent”, that is, on how you intend to live your life. This is a more comprehensive way of thinking with less pressure, but at the same time, provides one with a guiding principle for every day.

After that bit of enlightenment, I spent the evening watching the annual countdown at Times Square with friends and family in the comfort of my home.

Happy New Years! I wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2012.

Here are some pictures from New York.
                                               by Yuki

The town seems excited

The ball drops from here along with the countdown

Media truck is ready to go