
おつかれさま2011年  A Job Well Done 2011








by ゆき
我が家のツリー / Our tree

一番お気に入りのオーナメント / My favorite ornament

サンタさんのために / For Santa
学校から戻って/ Home for the Holidays

 “A job well done 2011, especially Japan”

I got a bit choked up when I saw this post on facebook. Looking back on 2011, it was a tumultuous year which included the Arab Spring, the Eurozone Crisis, volatility in the stock markets and abnormal weather patterns due to global warming.

And the Eastern Japan Earthquake. That day I was in Florida for my husband’s 50th birthday with my children and my parents-in-law. Hiro from work called me at midnight to tell me that a big earthquake had occurred and that he was having everyone go home. That was the first time I heard about the Earthquake and was the beginning of one of the most trying times for Japan.

For work, we were hired by NBC America to assist in the coverage of the earthquake and the subsequent nuclear power plant accident for the next three weeks. Even though I was in touch with my staff regularly, I was still shocked by the devastation in northern Japan and the mental exhaustion of my staff when I arrived in Japan two weeks later.

It was a year of trial and tribulations. However, it was also a year of many new encounters. Thanks to Spice Rack I met many wonderful Spices and worked with an amazing planning and production team. I was able to speak to many admirable women for my blog. We also met many new people through GT and entertained a lot at "Bar Our Office".

As I sit in my kitchen with a cup of coffee with a few days left of this year, I am filled with gratitude for my life and for the lives of all the people around me. Since there are no assurances for what tomorrow will bring, I promise myself to try to live each day fully as if it were my last.
Happy Holidays Everyone. Peace on Earth.
                                               by Yuki



ポットラック(Potluck)とは、参加者がそれぞれ食べ物を持ち寄る食事会。味のあるスパイスたちが集まって、近況報告、企画を練る会にはぴったりなネーミングだと思った。これからも定期的に、来られる人が参加するという形で続ける予定。初回の金曜日は来年2の代官山gallery ON THE HILL (http://www.galleryonthehill.com/ )にてのSPICE RACK展示会についての話し合いが中心となった。

今回の参加スパイスは窪寺麻美さん(Le Vert Clair)土井幸さん(MION) 香菜子さん(LOTA PRODUCT)向井比奈子さん(hina himuka)事務局側から竹崎さん、渡部さんと私うちの会社のCDの近衛さんも打ち合わせから戻りジョインして、有意義な、かなり楽しい、美味しいポットラックとなった。


テキスト by ゆき子、写真 by 満美 and シンヤ

Potluck:=A meal at which each guest brings food that is then shared by all.
I thought that this was a perfect naming for a meeting to share recent activities and discuss future plans with the Spices. We plan to continue to do this regularly with those who can participate. This Friday, the topic revolved around the SPICE RACK exhibition to be held in February at gallery ON THE HILL (http://www.galleryonthehill.com/ ) in Daikanyama, Tokyo.

Spices: Asami Kubodera (Le Vert Clair)Sachi Doi(MION) Kanako (LOTA PRODUCT)Hinako Mukai (hina himuka)
Spice Rack: Mami, Shinya, Yuki & special appearance by GTs Creative Director, Hiro

It was a productive, fun and delicious evening.

Here are some pictures.

text by yuki, photo by mami and shinya

potluck from spices
Chili by Yuki

Kanako, Sachi and Asami
Sachi, Asami and Shinya
Yuki, Kanako and Hina
Spice Rack with Hiro
Yuki  and Mami


原美術館とともに With Hara Museum

「日本で一番お薦めの美術館はどこ?」と聞かれたら、迷いなく品川にある原美術館    ( http://www.haramuseum.or.jp/) と答えるだろう。いとこがお世話になっているので、そこのラブリーな副館長さんへの取材をアレンジしてくれた。





By ゆき子

Associate Director of Hara Museum


To the Third Floor

The Inner Courtyard

Museum Shop

My favorite museum in Tokyo is the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art in Shinagawa. (http://www.haramuseum.or.jp) Thanks to my cousin who works there, I had an opportunity to speak with their lovely Associate Director.

The story of how she began her work at the Museum is interesting. Just around the time the Museum opened, she began her curator course in college after being turned down from her first choice. Thinking she ought to have some exposure in the field she was about to embark in, she went to the Museum and asked if she could work as an intern for a couple of weeks that summer. There were five people working at the Museum back then, including the Director. “I am sure they were taken aback by the college student asking to intern there. But they were generous and said yes”

She talks about her first day. “I was there early and was asked to sweep the inner courtyard. Since no one came to stop me, I went on doing it until about 3:00 in the afternoon. That’s when the then Associate Director came by and said that they had forgotten all about me!” She continued to go and help out during college, then after graduation, waited for a year until a position for a receptionist was founded. That was over 25 years ago and now she is the Associate Director, who, as the right hand to the Director, oversees and directs all the activities for Hara Museum.

What is most important to Hara Museum is “the uniformity of its aesthetics”. This uniformity encompasses the Museum itself, the exhibitions, the café, the shop and the staff. This aestheticism is what Director Hara intuitively cherished from the start and which was then built into a concrete concept/brand with advice from a brand consultant.

The Museum’s positioning in the art world has gone through changes. Originally, it played the part as promoter of contemporary art and the creator of its art scene. However, now that there are more museums that handle contemporary art, it has been focusing on exhibitions that are uniquely theirs with selected artists.

 “I didn’t intend to be where I am, but it just happened. I am thankful for being allowed to have so much fun along the way.” With somebody like her looking out for the Museum, I am sure that Hara Museum will continue to be a very special place to visit.

By Yuki


「女性」と「政治」 “Women” and “Politics”







By ゆき

Dinner at the Spice Rack Office

I am guessing that Japanese politics is very confusing to the rest of the world. When I am back in the States, I am asked whether the Japanese people are okay with so frequent a change in leadership. I never know what to say.

This year I was introduced to a woman who had been a policy secretary for a congresswoman for 15 years, and who is now a consultant in the field of “women” and “politics”. She is about my age, studied in the States on a Rotary Club scholarship after college and is a working mom. We are now good friends and the world of Japanese politics seems a little more approachable to me.

She says that Nagata-cho (the geographical center of Japanese politics) is set up under the assumption that men run government. Consequently it is a difficult place for women to work. However since half the population are women, she states that there has to be more women involved to appropriately represent our voice.

This year she began her tenure as a board member for the newly founded Japan School of Policy Making. (http://j-policy.org/) This school aims to bring up the next generation of political leaders who can think in broad based terms. For this they have a wide range of instructors from diverse professions. However, even at this school, she felt that there was a lack of commitment to women at first. She took on this position with the hope that her presence and experience will help other women take interest in politics.

What she strongly advocates is the need for diversity in the world of politics. When you look at the composition of those in office, there is clearly a lack of women, people in their 20s~30s and those with disabilities. She states that a comprehensive policy can only be made by having various groups represented and heard.

She is also involved in other organizations and activities that address rights for women. Getting pregnant and having a baby during her graduate school years and being a working mother ever since, she is a great person to have on our side.

“311 happened, and we will continue to have a declining birth rate. However, accepting this, I would like to do what I can so that Japan is a country which the children can be proud of. That is what my next 10 years are for.” Whenever I listen to her, I cannot but think that people’s faith in Japanese politics would increase if someone like her was in a leadership position. I am pretty confident that I'm not the only one.

By Yuki