
ローンチにあたり The Launch

とうとうSPICE RACKのウェブサイトのローンチである。本日、プロジェクトの紹介、スパイスページ(女性たちのプロモーションページの日英版および特集記事などがアップされ、数週間後にショップをオープンする予定である。

思えばちょうど一年前50歳になったのだがその直後友人に「そろそろですね」と言われその「そろそろ」がSPICE RACKの誕生となったわけだ昔から私は、「女性が自分のライフスタイルに合わせ、個性や才能を活かしながら仕事をするのを応援したい」のがテーマで、いろいろなアイディアを考えては、スタッフやいとこたちにお披露目してはダメだしされる、というパターンを繰り返してきた
今回ばかりはアイディアなのかタイミングなのかもしかしたらネーミングなのか理由はわからないが好評でこうなったらこのモメンタムに乗っかるしかないと思い企画書を書きエンジェル投資家を探し制作スタッフを集め制作を始め本日にいたる一年前にはまだSEED(=)だったモノがSPICE RACKになったのは本当に感慨深い













by ゆき

So it’s finally here…the launch. Starting today, you will be able to access information concerning this project, the Spice Pages (promotional page for each woman) in English and Japanese, the feature article, etc. The Spice Rack shop will open in a few weeks.

Just a year ago, I turned fifty and a friend of mine told me, “it’s time”. And that “it” has turned into SPICE RACK. I have always wanted to do something that would support working women utilize their talents while balancing the various responsibilities of life. I would come up with an idea, present it passionately to my (wary) staff and cousins, only to have them point out its flaws. This went on again and again.

I don’t know if it was the idea, or the timing, or maybe it was the naming, but this time everyone I spoke to really liked the idea. So I thought, I’ve got to run with this, and wrote a proposal, spoke to angel investors, got together a production staff and
began production. It is hard to believe something that was merely a “seed” is now SPICE RACK.

There are many people whom I would like to thank.

To all the Spices who are with us at this launch. When I spoke to you at first, this was just a concept with no concrete plan. Despite this, you put your faith in this project and in me, and for this I will always be grateful. You are my inspiration.

To my angel investors. I don’t know if you saw a potential in this plan, or if I just wore you out with my passion and tenacity, or a bit of both, but thank you. This would not be a reality if it wasn’t for your decision to fund this project. I will do my best to guide the project so that it becomes something that you can be proud of.

To the planning and production team -  Mami, Shinya, Takashi, Masako and the people at 3KG and Solid Technology of Hokkaido. A good idea can only become a reality if there are people who make it happen. You all made it happen. Thank you.

To the staff at GT and Clients for your generosity in allowing me to put time and effort into my new venture. To members of the GT family who give me constant support. To my cousins who always help me out when I need it the most. And to my friends who always have my back. Thank you.

My mother who is terrified of my driving skills once looked at my children in the car and said to me, “it’s really fortunate that they know nothing else.” For better or for worse, I am the only mom they know. Thank you kids for being mine and for growing up so healthy in both mind and body. Finally, I cannot thank my husband enough for letting me be me for almost thirty years; I know it’s not always so easy.

Our vision is,
To make SPICE RACK a platform from where information is sent out to the world
To create a global community of women who run independent businesses


Ready, Set, Go.

by Yuki

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