
お手本となる女性たち  Role Models


例として取り上げられたのが、ブラジル大統領ジルマ・ルセフアメリカ国務長官ヒラリー・クリントン、ドイツ首相アンゲラ・メルケル、チリ前大統領ミシェル・バチェレ と6月にIMF専務理事となったクリスティーヌ・ラガルド。さらに、今年のノーベル平和賞受賞者である3人のアフリカ・アラブ圏の女性たちについて書かれていた。




by ゆき子

Two weeks ago on a plane to NY, I read an article in the International Herald Tribune called “No longer is leadership a men’s club”. The article was about how women are rapidly forging leadership roles on the international scene in the new century.

This impressive list of women included President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the USA, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, former President Michelle Bachelet of Chile and Christine Lagarde, the new director of the IMF. The list went on to include the three female recipients of this year’s Noble Peace Prize from the Africa and the Arab world.

The article first applauded the achievements of these women. It then went on to point out that in recent years, the definition of power is changing dramatically and those in leadership positions need to think in an interdependent world with an emphasis on dialogue. I believe that this need caters to the strength of women.

There was much to learn from this article, but what impressed me most was the comment that the biggest impact of these women is that because of them, there will be more young women and girls who will aspire to see themselves holding that job.

On a personal note, the reason why I thought of creating a Spice Page on the Spice Rack website is because of my hope that as women and girls read the stories of these amazing  Spices, they too will be inspired to start their own businesses.  

 “I want to do this, I can do this”. If more women aspire to entrepreneurship, I believe that there will be a positive impact on both the global society and economy. With this in mind, it is the mission of Spice Rack to contribute by providing these women with the necessary infrastructure and a supportive community.
by Yuki

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